Laura Gao - Imagination Fund Recipient Spotlight “I’ve always loved creating things that feel personal and..
Paul Melville - Imagination Fund Recipient Spotlight “I’ve always loved how board games bring people together...
5 abstract art ideas to try today Explore 5 unique abstract art ideas to ignite your artistic imagination...
How will I know if I won a Playbook Competition? We know that seeing a “Congratulations!” in your inbox can be exciting, but the unfortunate truth is that there are scammers out there.....
Why is it important to have diversity in your design team? The design industry has traditionally been a homogenous group of people creating designs for everyone else. Here's why that needs to change, and why a diverse design team helps you devise creative solutions for your customers...
9 ways to boost your creativity as a designer Few things are scarier to a designer than a blank screen. Here are a series of tips and ideas to supercharge your creativity as a designer...
Nate Williams, Dr. Seuss, and changing point of views > “I always thought of being in the design industry..
Everything you need to know about font licensing Figuring out licensing for fonts is a tricky job. How do you ensure you don't violate copyright? Here's all you need to know...
Bárbara Malagoli A multidisciplinary freelance illustrator and graphic designer, Bárbara Malagoli has..